Re: mer-men

From: jorganos <joe_at_A3kqZ3uoqct62yAuBxJyf4MjpqZEw4T7eXFLj2vTTBfi-59Q4nis8MvgYgRRrXCvU2dCBCY.>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:11:12 -0000

Basically, the mermen are the bastard children of land-based air gods and niiad demigods. One of those niiads even gave the name for the western race of humans: Warerans.

I am pretty certain that it takes only slight twisting of existing myths to reenact these events.

If you are looking for a more peaceful union, look at the Choralinthor myth, where a sea god and a land goddess propagate.

There are two places predestined for unions between humans and triolini - Seapolis and the City of Wonders, where there is magic allowing them to enter the realm of the others.

There might even be someone questing for such a union to happen - an entire race of Cetoi mermen was eradicated in the Battle of Tanien's Victory, the Hreekeen. Finding the right air deity and a suitable niiad might be a way to return this race to Glorantha?

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