Re: Cathora, Herd Mother

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_boui8hGtHdyU2f6tPVQODrtpxbkhvtKNXnEzIsOWkh6jKHNcPaj3e04nXO9u5WSQjo-v2>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 12:09:07 -0700

The Editorial Staff of Rule One offers their services to mediate contests and publish rebuttals.

(The ball's in your court now, Keith :-). )

>From such a face and form as mine, the noblest sentiments sound like the
black utterances of a depraved imagination.

> (snip) This is the origin of the Zaranistangi Loper People. Lopers being
> the beast-children of Eiritha, (or grandchildren is Cathora is just her
> daughter).
> /// Curses. I had just published my thesis about the Lopers, which I
> thought settled the matter for good (see RULE ONE 10). Surely this is a
> jealous sholarly rival trying to torpedo it. Well, we shall have a Contest
> of Insight to settle this.

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