Now for more serious stuff.
We do know that several celestial bodies unloaded human folk with bluish skin in southern Pamaltela, and that the blue moon was involved, and that it wasn't known as Lesilla. /// Indeed. She is Serartamal.
I strongly suspect that Artia would have been involved in some of the actions attributed to the Blue Moon, and that all of the Three Sky Witches would have deposited their man-rune loads. "Deposited their man-rune loads" ??? What godlearner trash talk is that ??? Plus, as only the color-blind could ignore, Our Lady Artia is RED. Perhaps your sect encourages color-blindness ?
While we're at the subject of blue planets, what colour is/was the Boat Planet, called Anaxial by the Dara Happans (and what is/was its period)? /// I think it's Blue. As for its period, go check Nick Brooke's ephemerid, a truly awesome work.
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