Re: Character generation: Sartar book

From: hcarteau_at_Djj1Pq6TzNjZLqs9ux2pjE16LA0Xxhcp_RHeSBp5hdnPRjWSFvbyJZAjZlk9JTSIyAY
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 20:48:22 +0100 (CET)

First off, I don't create 9 other ablities either. My humakti character has been in player for 6 games and I still haven't used them all.

Second, you can create them during play, keeping free "slots" to activate when the time is right.

Third, you can use some of these "slots" as break-aways from your keyword, such as : Warrior 17 (Keyword), Wrestler +1. Personally, I'd allow to stack 2 or 3 "slots" for a +2 or +3 breakaway bonus, if your GM allows.


Question about keywords and abilities.

The Sartar book says that you get keywords regarding clan, occupation, and personality. Then you get 9 other abilities. I'm having trouble creating 9 other abilities. Maybe it's just me who's used to having a list of skills and abilities right there in the rule book.

I could really use some suggestions.



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