For my part Jeff, I would like to thank you for taking the time to set Glorantha scale and 3rd age timeline against historical settings. which may help people get a grasp of travel times etc, which was always an issue when I played a lot.
If people don't feel comfortable with the "official" scale, or any other aspect of Glorantha as it evolves, then "YGMV"
> > And as for Greg, I know, Jeff, you know Greg very closely. But I still
> > think he often is obliged to answer questions about "facts" much more
> > than he is inclined to, just because he is questioned so much. Merely my
> > thinking, not fact. Again.
> That's certainly not the case. My files upon files of Gloranthan "facts" - population numbers, detailed censuses, detailed maps going down to the small city, etc - were created by Greg (and not me - I just edit it, arrange it, and get it illustrated). Many are more than 30 years old.
> This information serves a very important role - to make Gloranthan societies believable. You don't need any of that to run a Gloranthan game, and even less to play in it. But if you want to write the background of a region (and get it published) you ought to keep those sorts of details in mind.
> Jeff