The three known types of Illumination are:
Yelmic Illumination - known from the Glorious ReAscent and the Fortunate Succession. Effects unknown.
Nysaloran Illumination - The classic form of Illumination as described in Cults of Terror and Dorastor: Land of Doom.
Lunar Illumination - Revealed by the Red Goddess. Described so far in Under the Red Moon.
> Draconic Illumination seems to be somewhat similar to but not exactly the same as Mystical Enlightenment.
Draconic Illumination is a Mongoose misnomer IMO.
> And to stick my neck out, I suspect that some aspects of God Learnerism were derived from Nysalorean Illumination. What exactly was that little being that popped-up out of the book the early God Learners found, that was likely looted from "Stygians" and possibly before that, looted from the Nysalorean Empire? (See pages 35 and 41 of Middle Sea Empire).
Not everything from Nysalor's Empire is Illumination related. What was discovered was a False God but there's little evidence of any profound change in mental awareness that is the hallmark of Illumination or other forms of trascendant awareness.
> I am trying but failing to find the source quote that states something a bit like "All praises to Chaos, the source of all things", which is noted as an Ernaldan prayer. To me, this indicates that Ernalda knew something of Chaos before it was poisoned with evil.
It appears in A Chaotic Interlude (Cults Compendium p262) originally being in Cults of Terror.
--Peter Metcalfe
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