FWIW I thought there were two "Devils" -- Wakboth (Corruption) and Kajabor (Entropy). Wakboth was killed by Storm Bull/The Block and Kajabor was bound in the Net and devoured by Arachne Solara.
I didn't think the surviving Chaos Gods were physically caught up in the Net -- the sources which describe this as happening to the Devil would say this of them as well, and getting devoured in this way would probably have affected the power of these gods since Time began -- but it works well as a metaphor for the Great Compromise. I did think (and believe there are passages to this effect in Cults of Terror, though these may have been Gregged) he surviving Chaos Gods do not want to be bound by the Great Compromise, but they are saddled with it anyway.
If Chaos gods are bound by the Great Compromise against their will, one consequence of is that whether the Red Goddess is bound by the Great Compromise or not, it would not be her illuminated toleration of Chaos which prevents her from being part of the Great Compromise (though it might have prevented an earlier incarnation of Hers from holding part of Arachne Solara's Net).
Richard Hayes
From: Stephen Tempest <glorantha_at_ljPFEh_GKwMKL372EGdTdpQCgQSs4ugNy21LIYOAlaP7hJk_x5F3P0fH4YndFtTnB7SCGZGX6VEnAMX-vfyFuK1WL0V5g5EnLQ.yahoo.invalid>
To: WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, 9 December 2011, 15:51
Subject: Re: Red Goddess and Compromise
"jorganos" <joe_at_5DV0VJihgrLUAgmUmpRVihbU2H46YOqJdq2q3nXuFCYKztNxa62-MVYBvjB3dNQFv9vwEcAKvQ.yahoo.invalid> writes:
>However, even chaos gods and spirits who may not have participated in the Ritual of the Net became part of the Compromise, such as Thed and Malia, if I recall correctly.
Remember also that Chaos is what was *caught* in the Net. According to
the traditional Cults of Terror-era accounts, it was "the Devil" that
was caught, but I'm guessing that the Devil could have been
accompanied by its entourage of the other, lesser gods of Chaos even
if they're not directly mentioned. That seems pretty common in
Gloranthan myths.
So that explains how Chaos is bound by the Compromise; it was ensnared
in Arachne Solara's web, and devoured/transformed by her into
something more predictable and less immediately destructive to the
cosmos. So the surviving Chaos gods were present at the Ritual of the
Net as well...
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