On 09/12/2011, at 5:00 AM, metcalph_at_B0xy7EygkDGUbvRXVik9ZnNHYypKsZ7Rd9Spxpp7OJGTtP6_0_mqY4WeSLJCvM_2-9woe5e3FGrEZ7ZfKxKwGdiwdJQ.yahoo.invalid wrote:
> On Fri 09/12/11 8:26 AM , David Cake dave_at_WzJzCw_J1UhPCOHVL1UUt0Js17RxeH5yFiffgZdHdLH10giOnZB9KEnuypniyB_rXwGVFzUXRQPmoeJDBGsMyQ.yahoo.invalid sent:
>> Yep. The Yelmic version of IFWW would be the things done to survive >> Kazkurtum? The Manimat survival stories?
Yes. The IFWW was a Dragon Pass area local event, so the Dara Happans have no direct equivalent. But their corresponding myths, stories about the last hero confronting the darkness that take place in the same mythical period, are the Manimat era stories.
Cheers David
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