Re: Forums are now up at the Moon Design home page

From: Rick <rmeints_at_22_I38Hb7OzLeRMIkDick714LSWqDwE9HxgODZNQrFeJMS0GGU_8gBMUDM3ljgZLLGnQ>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 18:17:05 -0000

David Cake <dave_at_...> wrote:

> Can I ask why?
> Can you explain the positives of the new forums for those of us already on this list?

Hello all,

We created the forums on the Moon Design website to try and focus all related discussions into one place. We are trying to create a stronger sense of community. Also, by doing so on our website we are not subject to the rules and policies of Yahoo, or any other company. Technically, Yahoo owns what we write here. They control your registration and account. I don't know about you, but the only forum my account has ever been "hacked" is on Yahoo. In a larger sense we are also trying to consolidate information. The Moon Design website will continue to expand its archives of background information.

No forum has a perfect range of features that fit everyone's tastes and preferences. If nothing else, we just feel we can do better than yahoo groups. We will certainly strive to improve and enhance the discussion features we offer, based largely on your feedback.            

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