Re: Emperador

Write haof XML files: antalvarez1976_at_...
Fecha: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 19:33:22 +0000

> En cuanto a los solares de fuera del imperio, por ejemplo
>yelmalitas, sirven absolutamente a Yelm pero pueden no creer en que
>el Emperador sea su encarnación [no tengo datos al respecto]. Por
>tanto podrían criticar sus decisiones sin incurrir en sacrilegio,
>aunque es normal que sientan una cierta simpatía por él, tienen
>mucho en común con los otros solares y eso les hace frecuentemente

Vaya, esquizofrénicamente lunar me contesto a mí mismo acerca de las "pequeñas disputas" entre yelmalitas y dara-happanos "actuales" con material de la página oficial de glorantha sobre Yelmalio.

"The cult has an abiding rivalry with all other solar cults. The Sun Domers revere Yelm as the Fiery Father, but consider the sun god inferior to their own. In their turn, many Yelm worshippers dismiss Yelmalio as an obscure sect, and the Praxian Sun Domers as ignorant bumpkins from a remote backwater(...)".

"Since the Lunar conquest, certain exiled Dara Happan families have been resettled in the county. The men worship Yelm, and the women revere Dendara. Some may claim certain prerogatives (i.e. that hog farmer over there styles himself "Lord" Lionedas). It galls all of them that in Sun County if they want a position of authority in the community, they have get there by merit like everyone else, rather than simply waiting for hereditary privileges to fall in their laps. Most are of the class of the Tenths (functionaries and retainers of the Nobility). Some adopt worship of Yelmalio in addition to their traditional deity, and try to fit in as best they can. These people are granted some special rights, such as being allowed to worship inside the Sun Dome along with the Priests. A few others, with the luxury of being able to support themselves through the remains of family wealth or the labor of relatives, even refuse to relinquish the useless and alien bureaucratic professions they held in Dara Happa.

"The Sun Domers themselves think the Yelm religion is effete, corrupt, and in the thrall of the female Moon worshippers who currently rule Dara Happa".

Que Yelm el poderoso ilumine a esos pobres salvajes aislados...


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