RE: [G] Arkat y compañía

Write haof XML files: antalvarez2001 <antalvarez1976_at_...>
Fecha: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:51:42 +0000

> Igual el mejor modo se salir de dudas es preguntarselo al Staffador > directamente ;-)

Huy, esperemos que no lo aclare nunca.

Por cierto, la última encuesta de la lista de HeroWars es sobre Arkat. A ver si sale bien el cortar y pegar...

"Excuse me, it sounds little bit serious in the comparison with the duck questions.....about Arkat, you know:
-Arkat was a fanatical fool and cared only about himself. We are
lucky he isn't near any more.
-I don't know, but want to know about him (and Gbaji).
-Who knows? and who cares? He came and went, period.
-I know his secret. But I don't think you will agree with me.
-Arkat was a tragic hero and a person who is an example to young
people of what they should not be
-Arkat was a Great and Just King but sacrificed many things for his
noble purpose.
-Arkat was a good friend for good people but the worst enemy for
bad people, he will return if the world become Evil again!
-Arkat was a son of Devil who was brought from Hell to kill Holy
-Arkat and Nysalor were twin demons plotting to deceive everyone to
kill each other.
-Arkat was originally a Troll and stole many secrets from Hoomans!
He is great! "

Falta una que propsuieron por ahí: Adkat fue un hédoe tdágico y zinietdo y en dealidad eda un pato (¿cómo hablarías tú si no tuvieras dientes?) ;-))



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