RV: [gta-observer] HeroQuest: Most Anticipated Game of 2003? #2

Write haof XML files: Jesús Fagúndez Díaz <jfagundez_at_...>
Fecha: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 16:38:26 +0000

Ah� vamos,

Los de la GTA quieren que el nuevo Heroquest salga en la votaci�n del juego m�s esperado del 2003 y nos ponen la direcci�n para votar. La cosa est� muy empatada con otro, as� que mejor votemos todos, supongo que a todos nos interesar� �no?. La direcci�n est� en el mensaje de esta gente.

He reenviado este mensaje yo porque creo que tiene prisa, un saludo,

> To All,
> Greetings! Issaries is very pleased to ask, "Is HeroQuest the most
> anticipated roleplaying game of 2003?" But, we are less pleased to answer
> it, "No, Gamma World d20 is."
> Yes, it is true -- Gamma World d20 beat out HeroQuest as the most
> anticipated roleplaying game of 2003 by 5 votes. 5 votes! Surely we could
> do better.
> And, in fact, we can. Rpg.net is holding the poll for the most
> anticipated
> roleplaying game of 2003 again. They have removed some of the losers from
> last week's poll, and have added a few new contestants. HeroQuest can win
> yet! If you voted last time, thanks, and please vote again. If
> you _didn't_
> vote last time, perhaps doing so this time can change the results
> -- go to
> <http://www.rpg.net> and look on the front page, top right. This is the
> time when we need those hero points to bump up the result of the
> last exchange!
> Happy Questing!
> Stephen Martin
> <administrator_at_...>
> Issaries, Inc., publisher of HeroQuest, Roleplaying in Glorantha
> P.O. Box 272914 Concord, CA 94527
> Phone: (510) 524-7619
> See our extensive web site at <www.HeroWars.com>

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