Re: RE: RE: RV: (G) Tributos pamaltelanos

Write haof XML files: alyrodri_at_...
Fecha: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:11:40 +0000

> Esos pueden ser los motivos por que los elfos de Elamle no ataquen,
> no se me ocurre ninguno mejor. Otra solución sería que a los elfos
> les importara a quien adoren con tal de que suelten tributo. Eso
> tildaría a los elfos de lunares, y tampoco se merecen eso ;-P
> Buf, se me ha puesto la carne de gallina, ahí has estado a
> punto de pasar
> una línea... Que como te oiga Aly te pone de rodillas a leer
> Canción de
> Hielo y Fuego hasta que tus hermanitos vuelvan del Plano Heroico,
> y mira que
> el tiempo pasa muy despacio en Glorantha, todavía estamos en el
> 1621...:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Eso, eso. Además, ¿no os habeis dado cuenta que "los niños del bosque" son indénticos a los aldryanis:
The children are said to have known much of dreams, knew the songs of trees and the speech of animals, could fly like birds and swim like fish. Their music was so beautiful it would make one weep to hear it (I: 616)
The children used obsidian (also called dragonglass) arrowheads and blades. The Children worked no metal, wearing shirts of woven leaves and bark leg-bindings (I: 616)
The children of the forest were people of the Dawn Age, the very first before kings and kingdoms. There were no cities, castles, or holdfasts, not even towns. (I: 617)
The children of the forest are considered to be different from men, no larger than children at their tallest, dark and beautiful (I: 617) Male and female would hunt together using bows made of weirwood and flying snares (I: 617)
The gods of the children were those of forest, stream, and stone whose names were secret (I: 617)
The wise men of the children were named greenseers. It is said they carved the faces in the weirwoods to keep watch on the woods (I: 617. II: 323)
The green men, the guardians of the Isle of Faces, are said to have dark green skin and leaves instead of hair, and sometimes they have antlers as well (III: 283)

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