Re: pray/worship/initiate of...

From: stefan.drawert_at_...
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 13:11:41 -0000

> Check the wording, but it could well be that "initiate to" is a
> completely different ability from "initiate of".
> Making new initiates uses "initiate to" -- cf. the Heortling god-
> talker keyword. Gawd only knows how the Lunars (famous missionary
> empire) ever make converts, as their Missionary and Priest keywords
> don't assign this vital ability... maybe that's something to change
> in the Imperial Handbook, Hero's Book and 2nd edition rules?


these are the finer points of foreign languages, methinks! actually, it should've been clear to see, but, Alas!, "of" & "to" is so easy to skip while reading [usually in a hurry!], especially since in the given context the two words have a much closer meaning in german... my fault!

now it makes sense, even if it's surprising to see that especially humakt is given a missionary ability, while more gentle folks do not [maybe the sinister swords are more in need of ?!]

> Being an initiate uses "initiate of" (and, as you rightly say, is
> usually ignored in cult writeups).

yep, thanks for showing me the obvious ;-)

> Confused (and confusing?), Nick

confessing, stefan

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