Re: topics for discussion

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 17:36:11 EDT

In a message dated 23/10/01 18:09:36, you write:

<< Yes, please? 400 posts are probably enough on the subject.  

 Jeff >>

It seems to me that if you cannot discuss hw-rules on a hw-rules discussion list where can you discuss hw-rules? If we have a rating of "discussed wealth 5W" and discuss it another 50 times what does that rating go up to.

Part of the point (it seems to me) if the discussion on wealth in particular is that a lot of the same things could be said about other abilities in general. Anything where there is a measurable, quantifiable, easily-addible (surely there is a better word) ability the problems of adding things together becomes a problem.

Keith Nellist.

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