Re: What use is a wyter?

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:03:38 -0500

Jeff Kyer says:
>Wyter don't adapt to new situations all that well without heroquests
>and the like to bolster them with new blessings.


>The wyter may not percieve this sort of intruder too well - especially
>one that looks for "Dara Happan Foes"

        It might be reasonable to restrict a wyter's (or other divine creature's) ability to improvise (the Compromise and all that) -- so your Mess Up Dara Happan Foes 5w3 wyter does OK until the Lunars notice this and start sending Tarsh Bush Rangers instead. The wyter can't say "They're sort of from Dara Happa, -5 to my ability...".

> > likely to offer "useful" abilities than Clan wyters, this is doubly
>> true -- I don't think hero band wyters have the clan wyters'
>> "tula-wide" range on the average; their "constituency" is too small.
>I think they just have a range of 'wherever the hero band and regalia
>are' - which is why they don't leave the regalia in a safe place and
>_have_ to bring it to battle if they want its beneifits.

        Right. But if I go off to Esrolia, leaving the bulk of the hero band behind, I'm not going to be able to call on its powers, no matter if I'm on a mission or going home for the holidays. If the narrator is nice, when I get killed on the trip the wyter might be able to tell the leader....

>No hiding the wyter in a secret place and still getting its beneifits
>unless it has some sort of 'help people at range' function - which
>would be good for an assassin-style band.

        Not sure I'd allow that.... More likely, an assassin band's wyter might be housed in some portable and hard-to-spot item (a necklace, ring, cat, bat, rat... "If only the cult wyter did not live in this thirty-foot tall screaming stone head." "It is a test of our faith, brother, and our patience..."). Of course, for those wyters that grant abilities, you could presumably "pump up" a follower with special powers that last until the member returns, abandons the mission, dies, sunrise, whatever.

Peter Larsen


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