Re: Initiates & Devotees

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 09:32:18 -0000

> First Edition Rules. First Printing. There's been a LOT of
> on this topic in the 2 years since.

and then says

> Perhaps. But I'd prefer folks being taught the rules as is before
> going off to use house rules, particularly at convention demos.

'As is' being the version of the rules accepted on this list after much discussion, not the ones in the rulebook then?

Unfortunately none of my players regularly reads these lists (well, I'd be pleasently surprised if any did but I'm not aware of it). Given that, we've had to come up with a fix that suits us for this particular game.

I understand the arguments you ar making and they are good ones. In fact most of the PCs are probably closer to being devotees than initiates anyway. I'm starting them off with abilities above the book standard. (one ability at 5w, 3 at 2w and 10 points to spend out of the gate).

Simon Hibbs

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