Re: Re: Last actions as played

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 06:11:07 -0700

> How is the Convulsion draft Last Action rule different to loaning
> youself AP exactly?
> (Apart from the fact that you can only do it when you're out of APs.)

At the risk of having more "Special Rule Alarms" go off..., and noting that it *is* only a draft and therefore possibly a moot point...

What I can think of off the top of my head (and I've been up since Coyoteepalooza at 4am, so not necessarily firing on all cylinders...)

Different Resistance - AP loans have a resistance specified by the # of AP you are loaning, FA is based on your negative AP.

Different outcome - An AP loan will not give you a "hurt" or drop you down a level of damage (unless you were trying to loan yourself more AP than you have, I suppose). Note that the "breakpoints" for what level of victory/defeat is needed to attain a specific effect remain the same in the two charts:
Complete Victory
Minor/Major Victory
Marginal V/D & Ties
Minor/Major Defeat
Complete Defeat

You can only attempt FA once after going to negative AP. AP loaning can take place as long as the Loaner has AP.


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