Re: Heroic Actions [Rant, OT]

From: miker19036 <miker_at_...> <miker_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 17:08:56 -0000

Sorry for wandering off topic, but this philosophy is starting to wear on me. Before too many people leap forward to educate me, I've had Hero Wars since it was first published, and I've been running a monthly game almost as long.

I invest time and money in a game system and setting so that I don't have to do my own translation of effect in the world to game mechanic. The desired end result is to be able to sit around a game table and play a fair and interesting game with my friends. I'm finding that every time I have to resolve something, I feel like I have to reinvent the wheel. I'm tired of it.

Someone please tell me if Heroquest fixes this. Please tell me if HQ reconnects game mechanics with game reality. Or is it just a better explained example of "here's a nifty game mechanic. Here's a bunch of prose about an interesting setting."

I don't care how much better representative Hero Wars is of Glorantha, but at least with Runequest there was a connection between game mechanics and game reality. The possibility of HQ addressing this is about the only thing that's keeping me mentally invested in the game.

Mike Ryan

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