Re: Frustrating rules

From: miker19036 <miker_at_...> <miker_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:08:10 -0000

Well, my initial post was to express annoyance with the standard response to "how does" questions being "it does what you want." I characterized the response as unhelpful.

We then went around and around, most of it involving (from my perspective) my expressing a preference, someone treating it as a polar extreme, and my defending my position as not being a polar extreme. The discussion has been helpful, but I've also felt like I wasn't being listened to. And before someone says it, no "listening to me" doesn't entail "agreeing with me".

> We're trying to be good hosts, but we're not sure what you came for.

Well, I first came here two years ago, it was to find out more about this soon to be published system.

Mike Ryan

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