Re: Re: opinions on how much affinities and feats are limited to each other?

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 07:09:53 -0500

Jane Williams:

> --- Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...> wrote:
>> For initiates I believe (until authoritatively told
>> otherwise) that
>> the intent of "An Initiate can improvise any named
>> feat in the
>> affinity..." restricts them to improvising the
>> common feats listed with the affinity.
>I suspect, without having any rules-based
>justification whatsoever, that the intent should be
>that they can only "improvise" feats that they've
>already seen done. So if a Devotee in your group
>improvises a feat, the initiates with the same
>affinity from the same deity should be able to
>improvise that one, too. After all, where did the
>named list come from?

        If your players like sitting around and listening to stories, you could give them myths that they could "mine" for feats. Or let them create their own myths for feats they want to use -- which might be a lot of work for an Initiate improvising, but you gotta pay somehow. You could even do it after the fact -- "sure you can use that feat; come to the next session with a short myth of how Barntar Found the Geese after Eurmal's Horrible Grain Scattered Them."

Peter Larsen

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