Troubled Waters magic

From: Neil Smith <neil_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 21:25:36 +0000


I'm thinking of running the excellent "Troubled Waters" campaign[*] for my local gaming group, using the HeroQuest rules. But I can see one fly in the ointment.

At the very start of the campaign, Zola Fel, the god of the river, gifts the PCs with some spells matrices. In HQ, this will be a Majestic Spirit giving the PCs a spirit in a fetish. All well and good, but I'm sure that some of the players will generate characters that have concentrated their magic on something other than animism, which means that they shouldn't be able to use the fetish. This is a slight problem, as the campaign revolves around the PCs discovering _why_ they have been given these fetishes by Zola Fel.

Can anyone suggest possible ways to get around this conundrum? My best solution so far is to wave my hands a bit, say "Oooh, it's mysterious, oooh", and say that the PCs can treat this fetish (only) as concentrated magic, and it doesn't have any effect on any other magic, concentrated or not. But if there's a loophole in the rules, I'd like to hear about it.



[*] From the "River of Cradles" supplement for RQ3.

Neil Smith                                Milton Keynes Roleplaying Club
neil_at_...                    Honorary Life Member

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