RE: Re: Starting Abilities + Augments

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 02:50:26 -0600

>From: "reinierd" <reinierd_at_...>
>I think our GM does this too. It works for us players; we expect a
>challenge as long as we feel it's fair (whatever that is).

Right, you trust your GM, and know he's not out to hose you. So if he's making up stuff on the fly it's for all the right reasons, right?

>One thing, though. HPs make PCs a lot tougher. IRC I read somewhere
>it makes about a mastery's difference. So we end up facing a lot of
>opponents about a mastery higher than we are. Somehow we've won the
>important contests.

Indeed, that's precisely what HP do. So, yes, this means that if I want a combat that pretty much requires the use of HP to win, that I make the opponents about a mastery higher than the PCs. If I want it to probably require some, then I add 10 to 15. At even, you get the PCs having to spend HP about half the time to win (note that it's possible in an extended contest to "rig" things such that a well timed use of an HP can be very telling - more than one isn't typically neccessary).

Some people give the bad guys hero points, but I figure, hey, they're not 
heroes, so why should they get any? Again, makes my job easier too. If the 
character is an arch-villain or something, then maybe (I haven't yet). Note 
this goes for "good-guy" NPCs too. We want the PCs to shine next to them, so no HP for them, either. Makes the PCs have to bail everyone out - which is a desired effect.


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