Re: Re: Liturgists and Orderlies ("Wizardry for non Wizards!")

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 15:08:45 -0800

yinkin_the_cat <wquadros_at_...> wrote:
>> outside of the congregation...) The rules say that multiple target
>> penalties apply, but I think that where the target is the
>> Congregation present at the service then it counts as a single target.
> I don't agree that a congregation counts as a single target and I
> remember it being discussed somewhere. Perhaps in the FAQ?

We discussed that here back in September/October 2003--check for messages with "liturgist" in the subject line. It turns out that, yes, a liturgist suffers the multiple-target penalty for blessing his congregation. Greg said that his intent was, indeed, for there to be diminishing returns with larger and larger congregations.

Of course, the larger and more important the congregations, the more bonuses there will be to offset it. F'r'ex: The cathedral is a holy place, and was almost certainly built in a spot that was already holy; there will be augments from the congregation and from assistant liturgists; there will be bonuses for powerful relics, magic vestments, etc., etc. Maybe not quite enough to cancel the multiple-target penalty, but it'll go some ways in that direction. And when that one liturgist (with all that support) puts a special blessing or curse on an *individual*, wowza.

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