Re: Playing the game

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 16:00:55 -0500

>From: "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" <rjremr_at_...>

>All without any additional time to
> > pay. What mechanism is there, bar Narrator intervention, that bars
> > a player from having all of the affinities of all of the Orlanth
> > Adventurous subcults? I read the Theist section of the rulebook and
> > it has left me a little confused.
>Nothing, barring narrator intervention and heroquest costs. Unless the
>player wants to play out going to each subcult and requesting to learn the
>magic (allowing the narrator to intervene by saying "The godi doesn't like
>the way you asked. He says: 'Go away until you learn some manners.' "), it
>should probably cost the "2x out of play" price to do it. This can get
>awfully expensive!

Note that this is precisely the same as everything else. The plausibility of *any* purchase is left to the players and narrator to work out. How to establish that plausibility is up to you. For some groups, there must be a well explained rationale behind every ability aqcuisition or increase. For others who see it more as just a matter of story influence, players are allowed to take whatever whenever. Using the "had it all along" excuse if it becomes noticable at all.

For instance, how I play is to be mostly open, but to ask for rationales for changes. Not because I want to limit the players in how they develop in any way, but because it's fun to me to find out just how the character gained some ability. So, if the player takes a Feat out of the blue, I'd ask him from who he got the feat. He might say that he's been training for a long time with a priest of that sub-cult, and that he just recently figured out how to use it. This creates the priest character, who might ask the character for a favor or something later (or who might become a relationship or follower). The advantage of this method for me is that the world gets more fleshed out as you use it.

But that's just one way to deal with this sort of thing, and as long as the group is on the same page, anything works fine.


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