Re: Presents from a shaman

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 13:24:33 -0800

> > Note: There might be a G/M spirit in the religion,
> > such as Kolat in the
> > Storm pantheon, where communal worship of the
> > pantheon *includes* that
> > particular spirit, so Kolat charms *can* be used by
> > your normal Heortling
> > (as long as he's not concentrated in Theism).
> So your normal Heortling *can* have that relationship
> to the spirit? Without being a practitioner?

He's basically got a "Communal" relationship to Kolat. Your Hero has some sort of trouble that his theistic feats don't work on, so he goes to wierd ol' Korol the Kolating and Korol helps him out. Now, Korol might give him a charm as his answer (and Korol doesn't care if that "un-concentrates" the hero - that's not Korol's problem, is it? Korol just enjoys the nice haunch of sheep that the hero gave him for his efforts). The hero can use his charm because he is part of the "Storm Tribe Tradition" (which is really the "Storm Tribe Pantheon", seen from Kolat's point of view).

Other peoples probably have similar situations - a wierd animist practice or two in their nominally "Theist" or "Sorcerous" religion.

> > Become a mystic and refute it :-).
> If I could understand the mystic rules, I might try :)
> But then they've been refuted right out of HQ, haven't
> they?

They'll be back eventually, when Greg decides what the rules are supposed to represent, and someone writes *good* rules for that representation :-).

> > Most Gloranthan religions have a mixture of
> > Sorcerous, Theistic and
> > Animistic elements (usually *heavily* weghted
> > towards one system, and the
> > others may be feared, seen askance, outlawed, or
> > whatever). *Most* people
> > don't concentrate their worship - certainly not to
> > the percentage that
> > you'll see among Player Heroes - so they can use
> > charms (or even fetishes),
> > affinities and/or spells at the unconcentrated rate
> > without problems.
> But, but, but... I thought we just said that even an
> unconcentrated theist *can't* use a charm or fetish?
> Because they can't get that relationship?

Remember, we're assuming that they have *some* animist element in their religion, and if they do, then they *probably* get "communal level" relationship simply by having a "Worship [Pantheon or Church]" ability. If they have that level of relationship, they can use "Tradition-spirit" charms. I keep using Kolat and the Storm tribe as an example because it is a known animist element in a nominally theistic "eligion".

I semi-ranted to Greg (and he agreed) about the use of the word "religion" in HQ, since they way it is used is as a *solidly* theist/animist/sorcerous thing, but no religion is that way; they are all mixed (some more than others - look at teshnos) I'd *like* to use the words "Theist", "Animist" "Sorcerist"(?!?) to refer *only* to those people who have concentrated their magic to a particular Otherworld, and not refer to a "Theist Religion" per se. So most people would be unconcentrated, and you'd simply refer to their religion as the "Dara Happan Pantheon" or ""Rokari Church" and those religions would have their quirks and "wrong ways of thinking" and leftover Spirits and Gods.

> > Common Magic isn't "made" by any
> > magico-religious figure, it is personal to the hero.
> er... because he personally went and had a chat with
> that spirit of the gorse bush? Or whatever the spirit
> came from?

Yep. It may be family knowledge that if you sleep under that particular gorse bush you get [some magic], or it may be something your hero discovered for herself, but it is true protestantism -you don't need an intercessor to work with it :-).

> No, (though good memory!), this is for a character in
> a story, and I'm reluctant to go into any more detail
> on the list, as it would potentially spoil the plot.

If you'd like to take this off-line, I'm available :-).

> They're well-known for being good at a particular
> ability. For one special occasion, for which they can
> prepare, I want them to be very, very good at it.
> Around a mastery better than normal, maybe more. But
> if they can do that any old time, it's a plot-killer.

> > If this ability were gained as a result of a
> > heroquest, then all bets are
> > off as to what rules you can use for it.
> And that may well be the answer I'm looking for. In
> fact... oh yes, of course! So *that's* what the
> Desemborth initiation test is! Drop the friendly
> shaman, I just need to work out who this ability was
> stolen from.

Glad I could help :-).

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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