Re: One session per season...

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 16:51:49 +0000 (GMT)

> - See what the players want their characters to do
> with the rest of sea-season, adding in caveats that
> there's planting to do, sheep to look after, game to
> hunt and borders to patrol.

> The seduction was an ongoing extended contest that
> got one round played out at the end of each season

> The hunting was never discussed,
> just what he did when not doing anything else.

> Dunno if that's explained anything.

Yes, it has. Several differences.

One is that because you're describing a clan-based game, and Swords is about a bunch of mercenaries, you have these "planting to do, sheep to look after" things. We don't. So we don't have any "several weeks pass and..." gaps. At most we'd get "you march for three days, and arrive at...". And we'd probably make the most of not having anyone trying to kill us to have some IC chat, even then.

In fact, I don't think I've yet played in anything with big gaps like that. There's something approaching it in a RQ game (complete with calculations of training hours per day, per week, etc, and skill rises as a result), but HQ has always been much more immediate and urgent. There are problems that have to be solved *now*, and the NPCs can watch sheep eating grass.

I don't think we've ever had a long extended contest like that, spread out like that. Due to the lack of gaps, we'd be doing a round of extended about once a Real Life year. Looks like a great idea for that sort of game, though, and I'll be borrowing it if I run something clan-based.

And finally:
> None of it took a lot of time, roleplaying or
> rollplaying, maybe 10 minutes a session, even though
> he'd always come up with a fresh angle on the
> seduction each week. ("I'll play a practical joke on
> the Axe maiden in a naive attempt to prove I can
> look after her better than her bodyguard" ..

See, I'd always have played out that practical joke. That's a session. The players want to hand me plot, save me from writing it, decide for themselves what to do next? Great! But yes, I can see that if you want time to move on, you can just make it a single roll. Nice.

Jane Williams                                   

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