Re: Keyword v. best skill?

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 15:29:02 -0000

>I knew I was no good at numbers. Help?

IIRC, Thunder Rebels 'Become the Thunder', states that while there are no specific ability levels required on average you need 10W for a clan position, 10W2 for a tribal position.

But these are 'qualifying' levels. Proficient people are going to have higher levels of skill, inept, or politically appointed, people less.

My assumption is that these numbers refer to skill without augments.

As for how to use a keyword for an narrator character. I take it as a benchmark and vary it up or down depending on what skill from the keyword we are looking at and my understanding of the narrator character.

Then again I tend to use the 100 words format to describe narrator characters, and then increase their keyword one point per year of age (saga and advanced experience). What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I assume that characters with abilities beyond this 'point-per-year' get them the same way players do - by proving themselves in times of crisis (hero points for adventures). For me the saga system represents ability levels you from day-to-day living. So players get it as well as narrator characters (but I'm session per season anyway). But I really do expect everyone else's Glorantha to vary here ;-)

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