Re: Humakti clan chiefs?

From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_...>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 19:45:40 +1300

John Machin:
> > > The most interesting question here, I think, is who makes a Humakti
> > > their leader, and -why-?

Jane Williams:
> > War clans, it seems, but why do they want to be such? Even a
> > war clan can't be 100% warriors, or they'll be dead a
> > generation later.

Andrew Solovay:
> I'd think it would be an emergency measure for desperate times. Even
> then, it would be an emergency measure that only a war clan would take.
> That is, a peace or balanced clan, in an emergency, might elevate an
> Orlanth Adventurous champion to the post of clan chief; a war clan might
> routinely have Orlanthi warriors as clan chiefs, but in a truly
> desperate situation might go all-out and appoint a Humakti as chief for
> the duration. And as soon as the crisis was over, they'd toss out the
> Humakti like Winston Churchill.

I'm back in the 1330s. The nearest clan/coalescing tribal group to our north-west is led by a chap called Malan, who is a very powerful nutter who is very close to Humakt. Force of personality, success in battle and general god-touchedness seem to count for a lot.

I'm interested, however, in how a clan such as Malan's own Isolting observes the laws of Heort, especially those involving fines for a Humakti sharing a hearth with a pregnant woman. At the moment we'd be pushing it to think of a positive reason to marry any of our daughters into the Malani, although I can imagine a situation where we were coerced into it.

Is it better to be a buffer state, or to join the Colymar?


Jennifer Geard

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