so why three identical 'souls?'

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 07:03:09 -0800

> From: Tony Davis <gallows_brother_at_...>
asks about
> Subject: so why three identical 'souls?'

> So we have this complex system of worlds... we have
> three substances that are the soul, the spirit and the
> essence... and they seem so redundant and identical.

> Why do people start with three substances when they
> only need one?

> Is it a game design idea designed to make
> multicultural play more difficult? To make foes
> harder to understand? Or is there something I'm
> missing?

It is that way because it is based on Glorantha, a fantasy world that I have been developing for 40 years, and which has been adapted to gaming. It is not a setting designed specifically for gaming, so it reflects the complexity and details that I have been building into it.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
2140 Shattuck Ave., PMB #2030
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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