Re: Starting a new website - Issaries fan policy a problem?

From: sarahnewton111 <sarah.newton_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 16:59:00 -0000

Hi Ian, hi all,

Ian, I'd visited your site a couple of times but hadn't actually twigged there was a Red Cow pdf for download - doh! I've just downloaded it - looks excellent. Interesting your campaign actually takes place at appx the same time mine does (1605+), so I shall be happily pillaging your Maboder / Telmori source material for my own games - many thanks!

I think from what I've heard it's worth trying to put a site together, so I think I'll give it a whirl (famous last words - probably take ages to pull together now I've said it!). I hope the dearth of new material (and the Red Cow book looks like a splendid exception) will not continue and people will start "publishing" again (it's kinda weird to think of bunging something up on your website as "publishing", especially when it's a couple of excel spreadsheets or a dodgy handwritten map scan, but there ya go!). I've been with Glorantha since appx 1980 (ouch!), and I remember *vividly* how important the web, fan sites, and the hardcopy fanzines were during the Dark Nineties to keeping Glorantha alive!

Cheers all,


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