Re: powerful augments

From: Kevin Blackburn <kevin_at_...>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:12:08 +0100

>> For all that, after 186 sessions in my game of 5-7 HP given out per
>> session, well, my PCs are very probably the most powerful band in Far
>> Point in many areas, and one is chief of their clan (and had to
>> avoid tribal kingship). Their worship on cult holy days can exceed
>> so I've been ruling that the compromise is looking a little tattered
>> there.
>Yeah, I had the same reaction when seeing them reach the same level. I
>guess I won't laugh anymore to people talking of killing gods in AD&D.
>Anyway, 186 sessions, that's a lot! Do you play on a weekly basis? Were
>the players OK from the beginning for such a long campaign?

Scarily, it starts from the first session 24th June 2000 (eep!), and is a weekly Saturday session, with quite a few gaps (do the maths!). Still using the Hero Wars rules (I don't think a single rule was adopted from Hero Quest - they either seemed wrong or broke characters).

It's played with long term friends, and before this, other campaigns in different genres had been multi-year epics. Given I've offered to move on and been told not to, I guess they like this campaign!

Kevin Blackburn                         Kevin_at_...

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