Re: Powerful Augments

From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 22:18:48 +0200

Mike :
> I agree with Ian, but let me put it another way.
> All of your ideas about how to keep things going are accurate, Philippe, but
> I note that you seem to approach them with distaste. And well you should.
> What's going on, I'm guessing, is not so much a problem of character power.
> You can always create foes and challenges for any character, and plausible
> ones as well. That's not really the issue.
> The problem, I think, is that you can't really think of anything new for the
> characters to do. Which, I'd further guess, is because their story is over.

I agree. I know. That's also my PoV.
But the players disagree stridently. They are honestly brimming with ideas of things they want to affect and change in Glorantha. This is really empowering for them.
So... Who am I to disagree? I'll use the same tricks I used in other games: let them produce scenes and drive the story. I'll just try to clean the character sheets a bit with the many good advices here.

And, who know? Maybe it's just some stress before a new campaign and some new players. In one or two sessions I'll be throwing their worst fears at them.

> Or, if circumstances are right, perhaps they're the equal of Harrek. The
> problem with that is??? Even if they're a mastery more or less than Harrek,
> even two, there's still a chance of a conflict going either way. Don't avoid
> this conflict because they might beat Harrek. If it's time for them to
> confront him, then have them confront him.

You know, I don't avoid any conflicts. I'm pretty sure they would swat Harrek aside like a mosquito. If they don't convert him outright to the GodKing Cult, they may just kill him and take the Three-Steps Islands just for the fun of it and give the White Bear back to the Yggites, to make peace. I got no problem with that (and anyway, I have about zero respect for most of the official NPCs, they just don't interest me, exceptions being JarEel, Sheng Seleris and Deneskerva the Great Sister.

The only NPCs my players are wary about are those with a full Empire behind them. But Harrek?

> It's OK for the player heroes to wreak havok with Glorantha. It's the Hero
> Wars, that's the idea. If they don't end up knocking the red moon out of the
> sky by the end, if you're really into playing big heroes, then that would be
> a shame. Some heroes put that thing up there, and it's causing problems.
> Time for somebody to do something about that, no?
> It seems to me that people are afraid to deal with the large canon elements,
> for fear that their Glorantha will cease looking like everyone else's. Well,
> just stop worrying. When, finally, somebody has knocked the Red Moon out of
> the sky, and they've figured out what the new regime will be, then you can
> start a new game at that point.

I... may have given everyone here a bad idea about our style of play. We gleefully embraced the Hero Wars, far more than the official publications. They did shake the Moon, they did spank JarEel (well, or tried to). They transformed many parts of Glorantha. Heck, now that they are in the East, I guess they will change it as much as the rest. I would not be surprise to find a People's Republic of Kralorela in lieu of the Dragon Empire.

Hmm, I guess we found the end of this thread. A few loose ends and I close it, because we are not into rules territory anymore. Thank you all !


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