Re: Re:Pagan vs. Heathen

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 21:00:19 -0500

They do seem one of the better examples of "most people are mixed" that we get. Different strata of society worship in different ways, with an understanding that the one god is above all. But even then there is all that dualism.

I sort of envision the Carmanians as part of the Eastern Orthodox/Byzantine flavor that the Lunar Empire gets. (After all, it was a Carmanian Empire she overthrew, right?)

I think if we are using Heathen, Infidel, and Pagan in a specific in-game way, I am not sure which would affect Lunars. If those words are other-world specific, then Lunar is something else. (As is, I suspect, Troll and Elf. I'm less sure of Dwarf.)


On January 24, 2007 06:08 pm, Paul King wrote:
> There's nothing specific on Carmanian in ILH-2, ILH-1 covers the
> Carmanian religion. The Carmanians are mainly theistic. They may be
> notionally monotheistic but it will often be a judgement call whether
> "heretic" or "pagan" fits better. The Waertagi are similar, but I
> think more inclined to "proper" monotheism.
> The Lunar religions are a whole different ball game. I would be
> tempted to take the easy way out and treat them all as theists for
> this specific purpose, even those whose magic is "sort-of-wizardry".

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