Re: New guy with a few questions

From: Roderick Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 09:59:56 -0800

Hi Ivan,

> I looked through the files but didnt find any errata or rules FAQ.
> Im hoping you can help me out a bit with understanding a few points
> that seem to elude me, mostly about magic.



Rules Q&A:

> Theist magic:
> When I learn a feat, does it start off at +0 (no bonus) or +1 or where
> do I begin ?
> Lets say my god has the affinity Baking at 15, and I take the "sweet
> bread" feat for a hero point, and Im baking sweet bread, whats my
> initial bonus from augmenting, if I dont spend any further points ?

Well first off, your god probably has the affinity at 10w4 or better, not 15. Your *hero* has the affinity at 15.

When you spend a hero point to learn a feat from an affinity you have, you get +1 to whatever your Affinity rating is - in this case, you'd have:   Baking 15
    Sweet Bread (+1)

If you later buy up your Baking affinity, your "Sweet bread" feat is still 1 point better than the rest of the affinity

(This requires that your hero be a devotee, by the way - Initiates can never learn feats from their affinities - but there are other benefits to being "just" an initiate).

> Sidekicks and followers:
> Despite people being very helpfull on the other list, and, Im
> still not quite grokking this bit. We're using the list method for
> making characters. Lets say Bob decides to take a follower (a goon
> soldier) and Charles decides to take a sidekick (his trusted cousin).
> What do they "pay" for this ?

One "slot" for either.

> I figured a follower is just another ability really (so if you get 10
> abilities, you'd have 9 left), but what about sidekicks, since they
> are more usefull ?

Still just one "slot".

> Also, with followers and sidekicks, do you get the relevant
> relationship ability as part of it, or do you have to buy that
> separately as well ? (I assumed it was a freebie, basically)

The Relationship comes free. (See the cost chart on page 96)

Note that the "one slot" rule is not contradicted by the FAQ about needing multiple hero points to raise an ability during character creation ("Heroes" section). The exception noted in that response is about buying *additional* points in an ability (like an affinity), not about buying the ability in the first place.

> Im also a bit confused as far as weapons and equipment goes. It talks
> about items giving a bonus, but its a bit vague, and it seems to not
> jive well with the idea that you have to cement things to make them
> part of your character. So far, we've just assumed that your ability
> score assumes you have the tools for the task, and if you dont, you
> get a penalty.

Having the ability is all the "cement" you need to have basic equipment allthe time (except when the narator takes it away from you...) The only real equipment bonuses we give are for weapons and armor, but you can assume that "basic equipment" gives you +3 or so for any ability needing equipment (Lock picking, for example). Note that combat "Basic equipment" is several pieces - weapon, armor, shield, and can amass a hefty bonus - up to +10 or +11. if you want your Scribe to have "Writing Desk" (+3) and "Parchment" (+3), and "Lots of Pens" (+2), and "Good ink" (+2), feel free (with narrator permission, of course, but I'd advise narrators to let their players have it if they want, unless there is a good reason not to).

> Could a player theoretically spend their initial hero points to buy
> more abilities, or is that strictly post game ?

Post Character-creation. Though if you can convince the narrator... Note that the abilities listed in Keywords are only some basic ones, and that they are absolutely *not* exclusive. For example, "Maintain [keyword] equipment" is an ability that could be easily be put in a keyword, but we just didn't bother to list it. As another example, Soldiers (not Warriors) probably have "Make Camp" and "Dig" abilities (especially if you model them on the Roman Legions). You probably won't ever use them, but if there comes a time that you *do* need them, you can argue convincingly that they should be part of the keyword.

This helps keep your sheet from getting too many things written on it.

> In the same vein, if a player decides to "make it as I go" or just
> save some points, what kind of guidelines do you use for when they can
> pick things out ?

When it seems right. Sometimes it's a case of "I need this ability right now, so I'll take it", sometimes it's a case of "hey, this would be neat". The stress of a contest might be *just* the time for the character to learn of a new ability ("hey, I can 'Shoot Fire From My Eyes'!")

> Cheers, and pardon if these are obvious already, and Im just not
> getting it :)

No problem.

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche

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