Re: HQuestions char creation - initiation and concentration

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 09:04:23 -0500

>From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
>So, in-game, if your player can say "yes, didn't we
>mention it before, Old Uncle Thorgil taught me the
>Blow Enemy Away feat, look, there's the relationship
>with him on my character sheet", I'd let them try to
>do it, with that -5. Especially if Uncle Thorgil is an
>NPC who has "Blow Enemy Away" written down in their
>list of feats!

I think that this is essentially correct. There should be, however, a theoretical limit to the number of feats that exist based on the number of mythic acts attributable to the diety in question. How many should that be? I don't know. But I don't think that the number of feats for a particular affinity is "without number."

Better put, when the player is making this up, he should realize that he's doing a part in "completing" the religious cult to which the character belongs. As long as he keeps this in mind, and isn't just adding feats willy-nilly, I think it's all good. A great way that others have proposed before is to require the player to come up with the background myth itself.

And realize that this is as opposed to the improvisational ability of a devotee - in that case the rule is more like, "Something the diety could have done if he'd wanted to." Rather than something that the mythic record says that he actually did do. Much broader in a way.


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