Two goals?

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 16:19:02 -0400

How do you all model two goals going on simultaneously?

We always discuss examples and how the system handles them. The Empire Strikes Back is on my tv right now. Interestingly, I am not sure how I would model that final confrontation between Luke and Vader.

 My first guess is that it starts as an extended contest with Luke trying to defeat Vader physically, and Vader trying to drive Luke into the Carbon Freeze.

Vader wins marginally, or gets close, then fails his coup de grace since Luke escapes. This makes using the carbonite impossible. (Something I'm not sure how the rules model.)

The fight continues and now I can't decide whether Vader has switched his goal to physically defeat Luke or whether he has switched it to "convert Luke to the Dark Side".

If the goal is conver to the Dark Side, he earns some kind of minor victory in the end, with Luke's confidence shattered, but not enough to convert him. How to work in the severed arm... I'd go with an unrelated wound action.

If it is a physical fight, then Vader gets a major victory and cuts off the arm, then switches to a "convert Luke" challenge.

HOWEVER - The dialogue shows Vader trying to goad the Dark Side out of Luke from the beginning. So is Vader actually in an extended contest to do that from the beginning and all aspects of the physical fight are unrelated actions/extras?

 In other words, it really seems Vader is doing two things at once here. How would you model this?


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