Re: Re: HQ2 runes and wizardy question

From: John Machin <trithemius_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 08:46:56 +1000

2009/5/14 mouserampant <richard.crawley5_at_...>:
> I think there's a very pronounced difference between theists and non-theists.  Your theist character has three rune affinities.  Your
> Westerner doesn't.  Your typical westerner may know some spells that come from a particular grimoire and so have that grimoire's
> runic association but he doesn't have a rune as part of his personality.

Perhaps those westerners that do integrate runes to a high degree are the people that go on to create grimoires associated with those runes? I assume that it takes a special someone to create their own node somewhere on the Essence Plane.

John Machin
"Nothing is more beautiful than to know the All."
- Athanasius Kircher, 'The Great Art of Knowledge'.

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