Re: Re: HQ2 runes and wizardy question

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 01:22:51 -0400

On 5/13/09, mouserampant <richard.crawley5_at_...> wrote:
> Your theist character has three rune affinities. Your Westerner
> doesn't.

I was under the impression all Gloranthans had a link to runes. Yes, becoming an "initiate" of a god gives you access to the rune in an active way that is theist magic, but I was under the impression everyone had three runes they were linked to - one of each type. Sort of part and parcel of the mortal condition.

I guess I misunderstood.

> Your typical westerner may know some spells that come from a
> particular grimoire and so have that grimoire's runic association but he
> doesn't have a rune as part of his personality.

They don't become more and more "of" the rune as part of their magic progression, but I would assume their runes still form part of their personality.

> This is part of what makes evil-God-Learner-scum
> aka Westerners so "not-us" to central Genertelan theists.

I agree, but I think it is something that goes over time. Theist magic involves "becoming" your rune in a way wizardry and animism don't.

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