RE: LOT5R conversion

From: Gareth Martin <gamartin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 12:55:17 -0000

Well, things are progressing apace with my conversion of LOT5R to HW mechanics.
There are some difficulties converting the, umm, "ideological" structure of LOT5R to HW, but this is what I have so far.

During character creation, characters pick first a Clan and then a Family. Both Clans and Families have their own keyword sets.

Then we get to techniques. The Magic section of the HW charsheet is renamed Techniques, with school and rank indicators. A School is thus about equivalent to worshipping a god. A School will have a number of Affinities, each of which carries subordinate feats. Affinities are referred to as "Techniques"; the Techniques act as affinities (like One Strike, Two Cuts), which can have Feats beneath them.

What I have not figured out how to model is the elemental rings themselves. I am considering treating these as the affinities of the "element" deity; thus Strength and Perception are affinities of Water. shugenja adress these affinities directly, and can have feats.

I have no ideas how to deal with Honour; any ideas?

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