Re: Rampant sex descrimination

From: Jonas Schiött <jonas.schiott_at_...>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 10:50:38 +0100


>I finally noticed that there is now a definite statement that all
>Orlanth Initiates and Devotees must be male, and all Ernaldan
>Initiates must be female. I guess this must be an Orlanthi 'all'

To the contrary, I've assumed that "must" is a stronger statement than "all".
I think Must = 99%+
E.g. TR p.218: "Women never progress beyond communal worship [of Orlanth], except in a few specialized subcults such as Vinga." These few obviously include Dar the Leader and Orlanth Rex. Which BTW means that women are actually _less_ discriminated against, because men can't join Orendana the Queen.

Jonas Schiött

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