Spending Hero Points to affect a role, timing...

From: tonyhoyt_at_...
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:15:23 -0000

  Here's a question that came up durring my game using the Hero War's rules.

  When does a player announce he is going to spend a hero point to affect a die roll?

  Current I have it that they announce before they make the roll, although this could cause problems if they roll a 1 and the point feels wasted. But I wasn't sure if allowing players to hold off on using Hero Points gave them as much value as they I felt they deserved.

  I could add a rule in that, if they roll a 1, then the hero point is not truely used, but again, it doesn't feel as much as a gamble. Although are hero points ment to be somewhat of a gamble though?


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