Re: HW basic stuff

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 09:33:42 -0800

> Sorry, I don't have TR yet (I am in Australia) and this is my first
> encounter with the word 'discipleship'
> Roderick, is discipleship like being an old Rune Lord?
> I have read the FAQ, and understand a devotee isn't really like a rune
> Is a disciple closer to the idea? I see a 90% commitment is

Pretty much - not quite, but pretty close.

Discipleship is not a common goal of people (including players), unlike RQ's rune-levels. It's not something that allows you to have personal feelings (you are supposed to be feeling the god's feelings, not your own), if the god tells you to move on, you've got to move. If he says "jump", you say "tell me when I've gone high enough" on your way up.

A Disciple *can't* be a secular leader - he's 'way too involved in his "job" which is to be Gods-agent-on-earth. Not all cults have recognized Disciples, for example there are no disciples of Orlanth Allfather, though there are for Adventurous and Thunderous. To be a disciple requires w2+ ability in half-a-dozen abilities, knowing the Secret, and, most importantly, getting the backing of a Temple to support you - you don't have time to make a living for yourself. Disciples may be heroes to their cult, but they probably aren't to their culture (I hope that makes sense).

I don't want to say too much more, as Disciples will be explained fully in Storm Tribe, and "there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip". What I say *now* might not be what actually ends up in the book *then*.


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