RE: Re: Two weapons (ancient topic)

From: Gareth Martin <gamartin_at_...>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 17:32:36 +0100

> Device powered missles? Not really going to be able to dodge those.
> Its pretty hard to see a crossbow bolt coming, I'd be thinking. Not
> unless you've got some sort of zen thing going. Making yourself
> harder to hit when running, that's a bit different but.

I gat interested in archery in my youth, and on occassion I saw a group of shooters from some distance away, say half a klick, on a little hill. This gave me a good vantage point to watch the arroes fly to the target over the whole length of the range. It l;ooked like a thin black line zipping across the intervening space - this was a flat trajectory, not an artillery style shot. The black blur had no discernable shape other than "thin and long" and moved rather faster than my eyeballs could track. Arrow-cutting MIGHT work on long, arced shots - but I'm cynical.

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