Re: Re: Many heroes against one big nasty beast

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 17:46:19 +0100

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 15:58:40 -0000, sigaud_at_... wrote:

>> The creature could also take -3 per extra target and split it's AP
>> amongst them if it wins (using the BEST defensive roll). So it could
>> have a go at attacking them all at once, although poorly.
>Hmm. The best defensive roll seems a bit too easy for them.

Yes, it's not an option I'd use for a creature with only 15 attack. But it IS an option.

>Put Harven
>the Unmoving Shield (Elmali Devotee) first, and the no one has to
>bother about their defense rolls :-)

Two possibilities:
1) It's SOOOOO big shields just don't protect you (it crushes you beneath your shield like a landslide)
2) Fine, let Harven roll the defences. Sooner or later, he'll lose, even if Marginally, then they'll all wish they had rolled...

>> >I suppose using the 'Very Big' ability as a the principal ability
>> >fight would be cheating ?
>> It would be a poor attack ability (unless it simply trampled or
>> around, with a -10 or so penalty to it's Ability), but a perfectly
>> good defence.
>By defence, you mean used as an augment at the beginning of the fight
>? Or can the beast use this as the ability to resist players' rolls

There is no need nor reason to use the same ability for both attack and defence. Attack with Close Combat, defend with Large.

>No, I've 'Esrolian Philosophy 8W', 'Chirurgy 8W' player characters...
>And only.... one fighter in the whole group. But then, I can imagine
>them doing nasty things :-)

Ignore all references to Oscar Wilde & the Troll. Do not ask questions. Do not pass Go.

>Andrew Graham wrote :
>> If you look at Anaxial's Roster creatures
>> can use there Large to trample
>> creatures that are 20 or more smaller that them.
>> So a horse that is Large 6W in size can trample a standard Large 6

I shall hold you to that, Andy...

>Ah well... AR was perceived in France as 'oh no, another monsters
>compendium, what are they doing ?'

Without some sort of 'Monster Manual', how else will you find out about the flora & fauna (actually, the flora is still under-represented, barring Elves) of Glorantha? One book does not an obsession with more new monsters make.

Now, book after book of increasingly more obscure Subcults & Hero Cults... THAT is the monstrous compendium of Hero Wars.


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