Re: otherworlds and HQ Hijacking

From: Nick_at_...
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 06:38:54 -0000

Reinier asked:

> How do those darned Lunar heroquest hijackings work, then?

Very effectively, usually.

> Do they bring someone along who can mitigate/neutralize
> otherworld penalties,

Could do: would a Nysalor Illuminate fit the bill? (Usually mystics get shafted on any otherworld; so how about an anti-mystic?)

Also, that's Jar-Eel the Razoress performing one of the best-known examples (spiritual dismemberment of the Pharaoh). She's scary.

> do they just have massive support backing them up,

That, too: think of all those Dara Happan commie worshippers with nothing better to do with their time.

> or some other perfidious chaotic trickery?

That, too, most likely.

Cheers, Nick

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