Re: Humakti and Heortlings law?

From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 17:17:05 -0500

At 6:10 PM +0000 5/7/02, jeffkyer wrote:
>Times have changed from the days of teh Kingdom - more clans are
>feuding than just raiding. The Heortlings are falling apart with
>intercine strife (as Fazzur seemes to have hoped).

        OK, fair point.

>I think that, had you asked teh question in the 1580's, one would have
>said, "You're right." But in the 1620's? I think that the country
>is falling apart. Praxians and Grazers seem to raid with impunity.
>There are bandits EVERWYERE. A weak clan or one which took a
>beating in the last rebellion might be very, very interested in
>hiring on some Humakti - and if you're locked in a blood-feud? So much
>the better! Now that there's no Confederation/Kingdom/Whatever, we
>can give those Black Oaks what they truly deserve...!

        This may be true, but would the Lunars accept Heortling-oriented mercenary bands? Especially if they couldn't be sure that the Humakti wouldn't fight against the Empire?

>Maybe. Perhaps my vision of the late teens and early twenties is too
>bloody. But I think its like the Italian Citystates writ small. Or the
>feuding clans of Ireland or Scotland - lots of work for gallowglasses
>and connidottri (sp!)

        I admit it's a delightful image, but I still wonder if there is an economy that would support it. Wouldn't it be more likely that a temple would "rent out" weaponthanes to a clan of kingdom for specified periods of time? So the Humakti retains allegiance to the temple/warband/regiment/whatever but swears seasonal allegiance to a chief or king? "For upkeep and the payment of 10 cows to the Raven Banner Regiment, I Haakon Threesword promise complete service as a sword and warrior to Frekor Horsebreaker and the Mountain Ash Clan from today until the end of Sacred Time...."

        Theoretically, such temples could become regiments (if big enough) by not renewing contracts but still be able to deny being a military threat to the Lunars. Assuming, as always, that there are enough free Humakti to make a significant unit.

Peter Larsen

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