Re: Life of the legionaire

From: giangero <janjero_at_...>
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 12:36:12 -0000

I am not an expert in these matters (Martin, Roderick?), but this number seems to me far too low. How is this rate calculated? What are the sources and the hypothesis behind this estimate? What is the period of reference and the region of reference?

I mean: Rome had a number of battles and campaigns in which the historians state legions took large casualties. Many times Rome had to hire mercenaries or enrole even plebaeii and slaves in order to meet the army requirements. Add to this the diseases and natural attrition of *active* legions.

I am very skeptical. In my game, I would not assume true these rates in any active Gloranthan army (except maybe the Brithini).


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