Other chieftan gods

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 05:15:37 -0500

 Are the other gods besides Elmal who sometimes replace Orlanth as the chieftan in Heortling society?

 I mean, I know there are "Elmal" clans, and they even have their own ring structure
(detailed in MoLaD). And Elmal has a subcult specifically for chieftans. Ernalda, of
course, has the same.

Are there any others? (I think I've seen some reference to an Argan Argar version in lands close to the trolls.) There don't seem to be Helerings anymore really, but are there Helering clans? Greg seems to have hinted they exist, but mostly in Wenelia and Esrolia
(which is why I presume there is no Heler leadership subcult in Storm Tribe)

Obvously, we can get all digesty and argue about creating leadership subcults for any given god, but as this is the RPG list, I'm looking for the "I want to answer a question in quick overview fashion." (Then, after answering that, it can get the Vinga-Dar treatment and go over to the digest.)

(I never have gotten my hands on a Barbarian Adventures, so don't assume I know
anything from that, but the descriptions of the rings there don't seem to help.)

A related question would be whether or not a tribe/clan with an unusually high number of one of the more obscure cults might be known by these other gods, even if those gods aren't normally known for a leadership role.

For instance, in the uneven distribution posited by Greg in his QandA about how many Humakt worshippers there are, he writes "I'd guess that two clans in Sartar have Humakt as their dominant deity." Would those clans be called Humakt clans, just as there are "Elmal" clans?


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