Re: Mod - Getting Digesty

From: Jeff Richard <richj_at_...>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 02:04:09 -0000

> "Generally allows" implies to me that they believe that they have
> right to disallow it. I am not a lawyer, but I'd be _really_
> if "Wholly original material" could be disallowed by ISSARIES.
> I don't have that warm happy community feeling after reading the

OK - I am a lawyer, and I have enforced trade secrets and intellectual property clauses in contracts. They NEED to be written in with as much strong and one-sided language as possible if the intellectual property owner wants to have any real ability to enforce his or her rights by a court without bankrupting the owner in the process. Compared to the language some of my clients have used (and frankly some of the language I've written), the Issaries policy is very mild.

Read the policy, figure out how best to comply with it, and just be cognizant that if Issaries wishes to be able to protect its intellectual property rights it needs to set policies similar to these.


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